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Stress Management: The only introduction you’ll ever need. Vera Peiffer

Купить Stress Management: The only introduction you’ll ever need
  • Тип: Текст
  • Автор: Vera Peiffer
  • Издательство: HarperCollins(2019)
  • ISBN: 9780008110420
  • Страниц: 118
  • Язык: Английский
181.47 руб.

A strong addition to the ‘Principles series’ of introductory guides. The book explains what stress is, how it causes physical and mental problems and how to cope successfully with the increased pressures of modern day living.Previously published as 20 MINUTES TO MASTER … STRESS MANAGEMENT.The book introduces the reader to the stress-prone personality types, what the potential stress triggers are, and suggests effective exercises to help you relax.Covering the physical stress symptoms and behavioural problems associated with stress such as compulsive behaviour the book shows why the scourge of modern day Western living needs to be understood to be beaten.Whether you are a perfectionist, ambitious, anxious, or stimulus-seeking person, the book will be an invaluable eye-opener – a key to learning to deal with stress positively.

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